The story of a man, who has reached middle age, and finds himself in exactly the kind of darkening forest that Dante describes. An unusual problem intrudes upon his moderately prosperous and quiet life – morality. Is it possible to be a “good person”? What does that mean anyway? And what’s in it for you? On his journey towards a clearer conscience but in increaseling complicated reality, Tony meets several typical specimen familiar from contemporary Estonian society and lives through exciting adventures, not without some diverting humour. And it starts to seem that slowly, and quite inevitably, the man loses his job, his family, and finally reality, himself.
Ticket can be bought in advance here or at Kai Art Center before the screening.
Country: Estonia
Director: Veiko Õunpuu
Cast: Taavi Eelmaa, Ravshana Kurkova, Tiina Tauraite, Hendrik Toompere, Katariina Lauk, Denis Lavant jt
Language: Estonian
Subtitle Language: English