Kai Art Center's Director of Operations, Kadri Laas-Lepasepp with the Green Key label. Photo: private collection

We are honored to announce that Kai Art Center is the first Green Key certified art space in Estonia. Green Key is an international eco-label and the leading standard for excellence in the field of environmental responsibility and sustainable operation within the tourism industry. 


The principles of sustainability have always been an integral part of Kai Art Center’s exhibitions and entire program. In the production of our exhibitions we prioritize using materials that are recyclable and of local origin. Kai also finds ways to extend the cycle of exhibitions internationally and to reuse each exhibition’s inventory. This is something we keep in mind in the planning process of every exhibition we create. We also try to optimize the transport of artworks and utilize alternatives with the smallest footprint whenever possible.


An environmentally-friendly approach is important to us in everyday matters too. We adopt innovations and sustainable practices that help reduce our environmental impact. For example, since October 2022 Kai Art Center has been using electricity produced by the solar park installed on our roof, which also helps to reduce our CO2 emissions. 


More than 4,000 companies around the world are Green Key certified, including several restaurants, accommodations, conference rooms, and event venues from Estonia. The certificate assures visitors that, by choosing to visit a Green Key establishment, they are helping make a difference for the environment.